
  • Lead by example and demonstrate high moral and ethical standards.
  • Be a positive role model for your players and coaching staff.

Player Development:

  • Prioritize the development of players’ skills, character, and sportsmanship.
  • Create a positive learning environment that fosters growth and improvement.


  • Show respect to players, parents, officials, and opposing coaches at all times.
  • Address players by their names and treat them with dignity.

Fair Play:

  • Teach your players to play the game fairly and within the rules.
  • Encourage sportsmanship, honesty, and integrity on and off the field.


  • Ensure the safety and well-being of your players during practices and matches.
  • Be knowledgeable about first aid and respond promptly to injuries.


  • Maintain open and clear communication with players and their parents.
  • Provide constructive feedback and set realistic expectations.


  • Promote a sense of unity and teamwork within the coaching staff and among players.
  • Encourage cooperation and cohesion among team members.


  • Take responsibility for your decisions and actions as a coach.
  • Admit mistakes and use them as opportunities for improvement.

Player Growth and Welfare:

  • Consider the physical and emotional well-being of players in all coaching decisions.
  • Avoid excessive pressure or negative tactics that may harm young athletes.

Education and Professionalism:

  • Continuously improve your coaching knowledge and skills.
  • Act professionally on and off the field, respecting all stakeholders.

Conflict Resolution:

  • Resolve conflicts within the team or with parents in a fair and respectful manner.
  • Seek assistance from appropriate authorities when necessary.

Time Management:

  • Manage coaching time effectively to balance player development and personal commitments.
  • Be punctual for practices, matches, and meetings.

Goal Setting:

  • Set clear goals and objectives for the team and individual players.
  • Provide guidance and motivation to help players achieve their potential.


  • Be flexible in your coaching approach to accommodate different player abilities and needs.
  • Adjust strategies as required to achieve team goals.


  • Uphold the highest level of integrity in all aspects of coaching.
  • Avoid any form of cheating or unethical behavior.

Parental Involvement:

  • Encourage parents to support their children positively and respectfully.
  • Communicate with parents regularly and address their concerns professionally.


  • Understand that there may be consequences for violating this code of conduct, including disciplinary action or removal from coaching responsibilities.



  • Show respect to coaches, teammates, opponents, and referees at all times.
  • Avoid trash-talking, taunting, or bullying both on and off the field.
  • Listen attentively to your coaches and follow their instructions.


  • Play fair and within the rules of the game.
  • Shake hands with opponents before and after the match.
  • Accept victory with humility and defeat with grace.


  • Be a team player and support your teammates on and off the field.
  • Share the ball and cooperate with others to achieve team goals.
  • Encourage and motivate your teammates, even in tough situations.


  • Attend all practices and games punctually.
  • Maintain good physical fitness and follow a healthy lifestyle.
  • Avoid engaging in unsportsmanlike behavior, such as diving or feigning injuries.


  • Prioritize your safety and the safety of others during training and matches.
  • Wear appropriate protective gear and follow safety guidelines.
  • Report any injuries or concerns to a coach or parent immediately.

Fair Play:

  • Do not cheat, dive, or use any form of deception to gain an advantage.
  • Accept the decisions of referees, even if you disagree.
  • Avoid arguments with opponents and officials; let the captains handle disputes.


  • Communicate openly and respectfully with your coaches, parents, and teammates.
  • Seek help or advice when facing challenges or issues related to football.
  • Be a positive ambassador for your team and the sport in your community.


  • Prioritize your education alongside football.
  • Balance your time effectively between school and training.
  • Understand that academic success is important for your future.

Social Responsibility:

  • Be a role model for younger players and demonstrate good sportsmanship.
  • Participate in community service or volunteer activities when possible.
  • Show respect for the environment and facilities where you play.


  • Understand that there may be consequences for violating this code of conduct, such as suspension or expulsion from the team.
  • Take responsibility for your actions and learn from your mistakes.

Parental Involvement:

  • Encourage your parents to support you positively and respectfully from the sidelines.


Positive Support:

  • Encourage and support your child in a positive and constructive manner.
  • Applaud good sportsmanship and effort from both teams.

Respect for All:

  • Show respect to players, coaches, officials, and opposing parents and supporters.
  • Avoid negative comments, taunting, or confrontational behaviour.

Stay Calm:

  • Keep emotions in check during games, avoiding aggressive outbursts or arguments.
  • Remember that children are watching and learning from your behaviour.

Sideline Behavior:

  • Stay behind designated spectator lines and out of the playing area.
  • Refrain from coaching or instructing players during the game; leave coaching to the coaches.

Support the Team:

  • Encourage teamwork and cooperation among the players.
  • Be supportive of the entire team, not just your child.


  • Teach your child the values of fair play, honesty, and respect for opponents.
  • Accept wins and losses with dignity and grace.


  • Maintain open and respectful communication with coaches and team officials.
  • Address concerns or issues through appropriate channels, avoiding public confrontations.

Safety and Well-being:

  • Prioritise the safety and well-being of all players, including those on the opposing team.
  • Ensure your child is properly equipped with necessary safety gear.

Attendance and Punctuality:

  • Ensure your child is punctual for practices and games.
  • Attend games and practices to support your child’s participation.

Role Model Behavior:

  • Be a positive role model for your child, demonstrating good sportsmanship.
  • Encourage your child to enjoy the game and play for the love of it, rather than for pressure to win.

Volunteer and Contribute:

  • Offer to volunteer or contribute to the team or club in a positive and helpful way.
  • Support fundraising efforts and community events related to the team.

Respect for Facilities:

  • Treat the facilities, including fields and equipment, with respect.
  • Clean up after games and practices, leaving the area tidy.


  • Understand that there may be consequences for violating this code of conduct, including being asked to leave the game or future games.

Enjoyment of the Game:

  • Remember that youth sports are about fun, learning, and character development.
  • Focus on your child’s enjoyment and development rather than solely on winning.